©2025 Operation Brightside Inc. | All marks are trademarks of their respective owners.
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Mission to Clean and Green St. Louis
Our mission at Brightside St. Louis
At Brightside St. Louis, our mission is to improve the quality of life in our community by educating, engaging and inspiring St. Louisans to make our region cleaner, greener and more environmentally sustainable.
Really, it’s that simple. But the only way we can proceed with our mission and truly make St. Louis a cleaner, greener, better place to live is with your help and support.
The information and the fields to the right will help you get involved with a fantastic St. Louis organization that truly needs your help. Read our annual newsletter here. Together, we can continue to make our region better than we found it.
In the meantime, take The Litter Pledge. Start making St. Louis better today.