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St. Louis Neighborhood Cleaning Programs
Cleaning Up St. Louis
Brightside St. Louis, originally Operation Brightside, was founded in 1982 in a massive endeavor to clean up St. Louis. Now, 38 years and millions of tons of trash later, we’re still dedicated to a cleaner and greener St. Louis.
St. Louis Clean Up Projects
We’re working to clean up neighborhoods, streets, alleys and vacant lots around the city. Through initiatives like our Blitz clean-ups, our graffiti removal and eradication program and our recycling center, we are making St. Louis a cleaner, brighter and better place to live.
Other city clean up projects include Brightside “Litter Bugs Me! Stop it! Don’t drop it!” litter-awareness campaign and our Blitz Tool Loan program that assists clean-up efforts by providing tools, trash bags and recycling carts to those wanting to clean up their neighborhoods.

When we all work together to clean up our neighborhoods and keep them clean, we can all enjoy the benefits of a beautiful city.
A Cleaner St. Louis Means Fewer Mosquitos
Aside from other benefits, having cleaner, greener neighborhoods means a lower risk of contracting a mosquito-borne illness, such as the Zika virus. Learn more about how to protect your family when enjoying the outdoors.
Help Clean Up St. Louis
Want to get involved and help us clean up St. Louis? Brightside offers a variety of ways for you to join us in cleaning up our city. From volunteering to joining us as a clean-up Block Captain to leading your neighborhood in a cleaning and greening effort, there are lots of ways to help. Join the clean up team!

Take the St. Louis Litter Pledge
We’re working to clean up St. Louis, but it’s up to all of us to help keep it clean. Will you take the St. Louis Litter Pledge with us?
Raise your right hand and boldly say:
I promise not to litter and to tell my family and friends not to litter. When I see litter, I promise to pick it up and put it in a trashcan. Keeping our city litter-free is an important way to protect our environment. I believe that it’s everyone’s responsibility to help keep St. Louis clean and I promise to do my part because “Litter bugs me! Stop it! Don’t drop it!”
Once you take the pledge, let us know! We love hearing from fellow St. Louisans dedicated to keeping our city clean and litter-free.