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Mosquito Education
In St. Louis, spending time outdoors also often means dealing with mosquitoes. We have a few mosquito prevention tips to help keep your family safe and bite-free so you can enjoy your time outside.
Mosquito-Borne Illnesses
St. Louis has been identified as a “high risk” area for the Zika virus, which can cause serious birth defects if contracted by pregnant women. The virus can be transmitted sexually, as well as through mosquito bites. St. Louis has also seen cases of other mosquito-borne illnesses such as West Nile Virus and Dengue Fever.
Mosquito Prevention Tips
To get rid of mosquitos on your property, eliminate all standing water and protect yourself from bites.
Stop Mosquito Breeding at the Source
Mosquitoes breed in standing water. Eliminating their breeding grounds has a direct impact on reducing local mosquito populations, which is much more effective than fogging (spraying).
Because fogging only kills adult mosquitoes, it has no effect on larvae, which can hatch and breed a whole new generation of mosquitoes shortly after spraying. Fogging also kills butterflies, pollinators and other beneficial insects, some of which may actually eat mosquitoes.
To minimize mosquito breeding on your property drain and scrub, turn over, cover or throw out items that hold water at least once a week. For areas where standing water is difficult to remove, such as ponds or rain barrels, mosquito Bti dunks (available at most hardware stores) are an effective way of killing mosquito larvae without harming other living things.
Try taking a quick walk around your property and take note of any places that hold standing water. You might be surprised by how many mosquito havens are hidden around your property!
Protect Yourself from Mosquito Bites
You likely won’t be able to get rid of mosquitoes completely so you’ll still want to take measures to protect yourself. See how to prevent mosquito bites:
- Use an approved mosquito repellant according to the instructions on its label. For a more natural option, use oil of lemon eucalyptus.
- Dress in lightweight long sleeves and pants and treat clothing with mosquito repellant, as mosquitoes can bite through clothing.
- Mosquito-proof your home. Ensure the screens on your windows and doors are in working order. Use air conditioning when available. For assistance, contact Cool Down St. Louis: (314) 241-7668 or the City’s Senior Minor Home Repair and Chore Program: (314) 612-5918.
Clean Up Abandoned Tires
Did you know one tire can produce up to 10,000 mosquitoes every year? Protect yourself, your family and your neighbors by properly disposing of discarded tires.
- If you have tires in your yard, put them out in your alley for bulk pick-up (limit three items per household per month) or take them to one of the City’s transfer stations.
- If you see a tire dump on a vacant lot or in an alley, report it to the Citizens’ Service Bureau at (314) 622-4800 or www.stlouis-mo.gov/csb.
Keep St. Louis Clean!
Litter can also hold standing water and thus serve as breeding locations for mosquitoes. Pick up litter when you see it, keep a bag inside your car to contain trash and find a nearby trash can instead of dropping litter on the ground. Less litter means fewer places for mosquitoes to breed!
Plant Native Plants
When landscaping, use native plants to invite a variety of wildlife into your space. This will ensure natural predators of mosquitoes such as bats, birds and dragonflies will visit, which can help control the mosquito population.
For more tips on mosquito prevention, download a handy mosquito brochure and share it with your friends, family and neighbors.