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Buy Flowers and Goods
Monarch Butterfly Bags
Support cleaning and greening in St. Louis by purchasing these one-of-a-kind Monarch butterfly bags. The Monarch butterfly and caterpillar feeding on milkweed were captured in photos by Perry Eckhardt and are now available to you in a 100% polypropylene tote bag.
The flat-bottomed bag is 13″ h x 11.75″ w x 8.5″ d which makes it the perfect size. Plus, the vibrant colors make this a must-have for all of your shopping and toting needs. If you’re interested in purchasing a different quantity of bags, please call the Brightside office at 314-772-4646 to place your order.
Brightside St. Louis Flower Pot Mugs
Support the beautification of St. Louis by purchasing a Brightside flower pot mug. Perfect for that morning cup of coffee or an afternoon tea. Guaranteed to brighten your day!
Mugs are available at a price of $20 for 4 mugs. You can stop by Brightside’s office (4646 Shenandoah Avenue) during normal business hours to pick up your mugs at no additional cost or have them shipped to you. If you’d like to purchase mugs in individual quantities ($6 each), please call the Brightside office at 314-772-4646 to place your order.
BRIGHTSIDE’S 2024 BLOOMING SOON! – Sale is over. Check back in 2025!
Everybody loves the beautiful blooms of Springtime in St. Louis! Daffodils and brightly-colored tulips make any garden more beautiful. Brightside flowers can brighten your garden and make St. Louis neighborhoods more livable and downtown more vibrant as proceeds support Brightside’s cleaning and greening initiatives. Check back in Summer 2025 for the Blooming Soon! Bulb Sale!
Brightside flowers bloom brilliantly and keep coming back year after year. You’ll love the high quality and great prices of our bulbs and plants.
Order now and your flowers will be available in October – the perfect time to plant your Brightside flowers. You can order online, mail in your order with our Blooming Soon 2024 Order Form or just call 314-772-4646. All orders need to be received by September 26th, 2024.
Orders will be available for pick up at the Forest Park Greenhouse on Friday, October 11th from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Orders to be shipped will be sent the week of October 7th. Most orders will be sent via USPS. If you have not received your flower bulbs, bags or mugs by the end of October please contact Brightside at 314-772-4646 or email gwen@brightsidestl.org.
Remember, Brightside flowers are the gift that keeps on giving! Not only do they enhance your yard and neighborhood year after year, but the proceeds also support Brightside’s cleaning and greening initiatives which make our entire city more beautiful and livable. Order yours today!
Carlton Daffodils
Fragrant, yellow large cup heralds the return of springtime in St. Louis. Our daffodils are particularly striking when planted in abundance.
Will grow 16″ tall. Plant 6-8″ deep and 6-8″ apart in full sun or light shade.
Bulb size: 14-16 cm. Bloom: March-April. Lot: 30 bulbs only $17
“Midwest Mix” Daffodils
Brightside’s Exclusive Midwest Mix of Daffodils always sells out first! This mix includes six varieties of fine daffodils (Carlton, Barrett Browning, Pink Charm, Slim Whitman, Tahiti and Suada) chosen by the Greater St. Louis Daffodil Society for outstanding performance in our region. You will get five of each variety.
Bulb size: 12-16 cm. Bloom: March-April. Lot: 30 bulbs only $17
“Brightside Red” Hybrid Darwin Tulip
Rave reviews for the “Brightside Red” Hybrid Darwin tulip. Exclusively through Brightside, this very large, virbrant red tulip will add awesome color to your spring garden just for Brightside friends! Very large, vibrant red tulip that will add awesome color to your spring garden.
Will grow 22-24″ tall. Plant 6-8″ deep and 6-8″ apart in full sun or light shade.
Bulb size: 12/+ cm. Bloom: April Lot: 30 bulbs only $17
Pink Impression Tulips
The Hybrid Darwin Pink Impression is both beautiful and strong. Sturdy, long stems help these vibrant tulips withstand spring weather.
Will grow 20-24″ tall. Plant 6-8″ deep and 6-8″ apart in full sun or light shade.
Bulb size: 12/+ cm. Bloom: April Lot: 30 bulbs only $17