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Become a Block Captain
Become a Brightside St. Louis Block Captain
Consider becoming a Block Captain to annually or regularly organize and lead clean-up and beautification efforts on your block! Download and share this year’s Blitz flyer to help in your neighborhood’s effort and find further Blitz instructions.
Brightside Block Captains are vital to creating clean, green and sustainable St. Louis city neighborhoods. Block Captains recruit, educate and organize residents on their block to participate in cleaning and beautification projects and share information.
- Recruit neighbors to clean up and sweep alleys, streets and public areas around your block.
- Select a date for a Blitz clean-up. Coordinate with your neighbors to determine the best date to conduct your clean-up. If you anticipate generating bulk items during your clean-up, it’s best to schedule it on the weekend before your regularly scheduled bulk pick-up.
- Educate your neighbors and volunteers about bulk items, yard waste, trash disposal and recycling.
- Encourage your neighbors to accomplish special projects such as the clean-up of vacant lots, alleys or public areas.
- Organize volunteers and set up a group meeting place and time for your Blitz clean-up.
- Request flowers before the end of April for planting on public property in May.
Be the leader on your block starting today!
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