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USGBC – 8th Annual Green Schools Event
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USGBC – 8th Annual Green Schools Event
Thirty-eight schools are participating in the 2014-15 Green Schools Quest. At each school, Green Teams are hard at work devising and implementing – with the help of a USGBC-MGC Green Mentor – creative, effective and no or low cost sustainable practices for their school. The 8th Annual Green Schools Event will celebrate participants of the 2014-15 Green Schools Quest! Several winning schools will take the stage to tell the fun and inspiring stories of their experiences. Additionally, attendees will learn about the sustainable practices in place at W.W. Keysor Elementary School, host of the event, and find out how they can participate in the 2015-16 Green Schools Quest, as schools or mentors.
When: April 15, 2015
Where: W.W. Keysor Elementary School, 725 North Geyer (63122), 5:30-7:30pm
Fee: FREE for all attendees
More Information: http://www.usgbc-mogateway.org/green-school-quest/
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