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Volunteer profiles
July Blitz Projects – Volunteers Needed
July Blitz Projects – Volunteers Needed What’s Brightside up to this month? Check out this list of events and projects we’re looking forward to for July.
Saluting Ken Seher
Saluting Ken Seher At Brightside, we’re very fortunate to have great volunteers. And today, well, we’d like to salute one of those volunteers – Mr. Ken Seher! Ken has worked with Brightside for several years guiding volunteers and sharing his expertise with thousands of volunteers. He has been a part of planting annuals at the […]
Brightside St. Louis Day
Brightside St. Louis Day Yep – it exists! Moving forward, we’re proud, excited and honored to announce that June 22nd has been officially proclaimed Brightside St. Louis Day in the city of St. Louis. The proclamation was made in honor of our 30th anniversary and to commemorate the completion of the Brightside St. Louis Demonstration […]
Community Education Fair a tremendous success!
Community Education Fair a Tremendous Success! Thanks to all of the fantastic organizations that participated in this year’s community education fair in our Demonstration Garden. Thanks to them, this year’s event made for a fun, educational day in the garden. Visitors were able to learn a great deal from our area’s leading sustainability and gardening […]
Naperville Adventures in Missions team takes an adventure to St. Louis
Naperville Adventures in Missions Team Takes an Adventure to St. Louis And we couldn’t be more thankful they made the trip!! A big Brightside St. Louis thanks to the guys and gals of the Adventures in Missions team based out of Naperville, Illinois. Last week, they made the five-hour drive to St. Louis to help […]
A big thanks to the employees at BMO Harris Bank
A Big Thanks to the Employees at BMO Harris Bank A big Brightside St. Louis thanks to the employees at BMO Harris Bank! They recently volunteered in our Demonstration Garden. They put in several hours, refreshing our wall mural and staining the railing on the bridge that carries visitors over the rain garden. Additionally, the […]
Here’s to you John Caruso!
Here’s to you John Caruso! After 12 years of serving on the Brightside St. Louis Board of Directors, Brightside is sad to say goodbye (but happy to say thanks!) to Mr. John Caruso for his years as a valued Board member at Brightside St. Louis. A very sincere thanks for all you’ve done over the years. […]
Big Thanks to the Veiled Prophet Dads and Their Daughters
Big Thanks to the Veiled Prophet Dads and Their Daughters Thanks to the volunteers this weekend that helped out at Lake Louie. This weekend, the Veiled Prophet dads and their daughters rolled up their sleeves and dug in to help beautify the lake. They planted celosias, cannas, petunias and sweet potato vine, working hard from […]