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Boost Your Gift on #GiveSTLDay
Boost Your Gift on #GiveSTLDay THANK YOU for planning your donation to Brightside on #GiveSTLDay – Wednesday, May 10th…and through 10 a.m. May 11th! Celebrate 10 years of Give STL Day with 10 extra hours of giving! Plan your gift to Brightside on Wednesday, May 10th and May 11th. Every gift will be matched thanks to the […]
Spring Blooms Photo Contest Winners!
Spring Blooms Photo Contest Winners! Thank you for everyone who participated in our Spring Blooms Photo Contest! We received over 60 gorgeous photos from across St. Louis! It was a tough decision, but here are the top three entries! Thank you to everyone who helped share a bit of spring beauty together even while we’re […]
Grow a little greener: Get your soil tested before planting!
Grow a Little Greener: Get Your Soil Tested Before Planting! Quality soil is the key to a healthy lawn and garden and now we can help. The Horticulture Specialists at the MU Extension will examine your soil’s pH level and vital nutrients. In addition to scientific results, you will also receive problem-solving advice tailored to your soil’s […]
Sustainable Backyard Tour
Sustainable Backyard Tour The 9th Annual St. Louis Sustainable Backyard Tour is Sunday, June 23rd from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. FREE to all! Take a self-guided tour of private backyards and gardens throughout the St. Louis region. Talk to gardeners about their organic methods and see chickens, beehives, rain gardens, pollinator gardens and much […]
New City School Recycling Video Premiere
New City School Recycling Video Premiere This week, Brightside had the pleasure of visiting New City School to attend the premiere of a recycling video created by the school’s third grade students, teachers and staff. The video was produced as part of the student’s annual service learning project, in which they collaborated with Brightside to create a 5-minute […]
Waste-Free Picnic
Waste-Free Picnic Join Brightside, along with our friends from The EarthWays Center, Tower Grove Park, The Nature Conservancy in Missouri and USGBC – Missouri Gateway Chapter as we co-host a waste-free picnic in celebration of sustainability, philanthropy, and the great outdoors on Give STL Day! There will be drinks, games and recycled crafts. Bring your picnic, […]
One Day. One Community. Give May 3rd.
One Day. One Community. Give May 3rd. Give STL Day is coming Tuesday, May 3rd! Powered by the St. Louis Community Foundation, last year $2.1 million was donated to 790 local nonprofits in just one day. Help us make Give STL Day 2016 a success by following these three simple steps: Mark your calendar for […]
Show Off Your Sustainable Yard
Show Off Your Sustainable Yard The 2016 Sustainable Backyard Tour is seeking hosts for its 6th annual area-wide event. Held each year in June, this is a unique opportunity to see firsthand how homeowners in St. Louis City and County are transforming their yards in a range of environmentally sensitive ways. More than 150 families […]