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St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium Success!
St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium Success! The rain held off and a large crowd gathered for a fun morning of learning about and discussing native plants in our community! We are thankful for everyone who attended and all of the knowledgeable experts who volunteered their time and expertise. Our Partner Showcase Presentation included a wealth of information […]
Neighbors Naturescaping 2021
Neighbors Naturescaping 2021 As neighbors safely got together again this year, Brightside’s small grant program, Neighbors Naturescaping was a success! Neighborhoods across the region will benefit from 20 different Neighbors Naturescaping gardens built or enhanced from the program this year. We want to give special thanks to the neighborhood leaders and residents who are committing […]
New Pick Up Times and Process for Blitz Blooms!
New Pick Up Times and Process for Blitz Blooms! This year, groups that have requested their free flower seedlings, can pick up their Dianthus on either Friday, May 15th from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. or Saturday, May 16th from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. at the Greenhouse in Forest Park. To pick-up your Blitz […]
Grow a little greener: Get your soil tested before planting!
Grow a Little Greener: Get Your Soil Tested Before Planting! Quality soil is the key to a healthy lawn and garden and now we can help. The Horticulture Specialists at the MU Extension will examine your soil’s pH level and vital nutrients. In addition to scientific results, you will also receive problem-solving advice tailored to your soil’s […]
O’Fallon Park Spring Planting and BBQ
O’Fallon Park Spring Planting and BBQ Let’s get “Back to Nature STL” with the O’Fallon Park planting and BBQ Party. Volunteers are needed to help planting native plants in the Milkweeds for Monarchs garden and rain gardens located in the O’Fallon Park Recreation Complex parking lot. Where: O’Fallon Park Recreation Complex, 4343 West Florissant When: Friday, April […]
Neighbors Naturescaping Success!
29 Projects for 2017 Through Brightside’s Neighbors Naturescaping Program, 29 neighborhood and community groups are helping green and beautify our St. Louis communities by planting: 3,500 Daffodils and tulips 2.552 Perennials 345 Grasses and sedges 142 Shrubs 27 Trees Community gardens bring neighbors together creating beautiful and enjoyable spaces. Visit the Brightside Facebook page for […]
Happy Pollinator Week!
Happy Pollinator Week! In honor of Pollinator Week, here are nine fun facts about these important creatures. An estimated one-third of all foods and beverages are delivered by pollinators. In the U.S., pollination produces nearly $20 billion worth of products annually. Without pollinators, we would lose many goods such as blueberries, apples, coffee, almonds and […]
Nestle Purina Petcare Pride Day Makes A Big Impact
Nestle Purina Petcare Pride Day Makes A Big Impact This week over 100 Nestle Purina employees volunteered with Brightside in the Soulard and Dutchtown neighborhoods. Volunteers cleaned up gardens, mulched and planted flowers in and around Soulard Market Park, Pontiac Square Park and Aboussie Park in Soulard and helped on the Sunflower Project in Dutchtown as […]