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Sorry, registration for the St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium is now closed!
Sorry, registration for the St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium is now closed!
Saturday, June 1st, 2024 is this year’s St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium located at Brightside St. Louis’ Demonstration Garden at 4646 Shenandoah Avenue.
The symposium will feature local experts with experience and knowledge of installing and caring for native plants and creating garden designs beneficial to pollinators and beautiful for your neighborhood. You’ll enjoy the variety of organizations represented- from the MO Department of Conservation to a local native plant swap group!
Following the initial showcase, concurrent workshops led by experts in their respective fields will help gardeners learn how to plan, plant and care for a neighborhood or home garden. There will be opportunities to “Ask the Experts” between sessions and to purchase native plants after the workshops!
The Neighbors Naturescaping Kick-off Presentation and Breakfast begin at 9am. You don’t want to miss the important information in this session if you are interested in beautifying your community with pollinator-friendly native plants! Please email jean@brightsidestl.org for a Neighbors Naturescaping application until June 20th.