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2024 St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium
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2024 St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium

Thank you to all who attended and presented for a fantastic event!
If you would like to view our Partner Showcase Presentation, we have it available here in pdf format.
Join us Saturday, June 1st, 2024 for this year’s St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium located at Brightside St. Louis’ Demonstration Garden at 4646 Shenandoah Avenue.
The symposium will feature local experts with experience and knowledge of installing and caring for native plants and creating garden designs beneficial to pollinators and beautiful for your neighborhood. You’ll enjoy the variety of organizations represented- from the MO Department of Conservation to a local native plant swap group!
Following the initial showcase, concurrent workshops led by experts in their respective fields will help gardeners learn how to plan, plant and care for a neighborhood or home garden. There will be opportunities to “Ask the Experts” between sessions and to purchase native plants after the workshops!
Concurrent Workshops
Plant Health Care – Mark Grueber, MDC
It is important to learn the best management practices for keeping your plants healthy and your garden looking its best. Learn from an expert to identify common weeds, pests and diseases and how to minimize damage to your plants.
The Dirt on Soils – Evan Parker, MDC
Having healthy soil is the first step in creating a healthy garden. Different plants prefer different soil conditions and knowing the nutrient content, physical properties, pH and contaminants present in your soil are important for the health of your plants.
Less Work, More Nature: Design and Create a Lower-Maintenance Native Garden – Sean Gunsten, Brightside St. Louis
Join our beginner-friendly seminar and learn practical tips and techniques to make an attractive native plant garden that supports local wildlife and thrives with minimal maintenance. Design will be emphasized as we cover best practices in site selection, plant choice, and plant placement that optimize both beauty and ecological impact while reducing work. We’ll also cover simple methods of site preparation, installation, and maintenance that will help you more easily enhance your landscape while making a meaningful impact on the environment.
Natives, Cultivars, & Varieties, Oh My! – Angie Weber, Crestwood Beautification Committee
Learn more in depth native plant design including advanced features and plants that require more skill- and maintenance! Learn the difference between natives, cultivars, and varieties. Add layers to your existing native plant garden or create a masterpiece from scratch!
Cost: $10 per person
Neighbors Naturescaping Participants and Volunteers: Register early! Neighbors Naturescaping participants can take part in this event at no charge. Please sign up below to register for both the Symposium and the Neighbors Naturescaping Kick-off Presentation & Breakfast.
Parking and Shuttle: Parking is limited by the Demonstration Garden. Additional parking is available at the St. Louis City Water Division located at 1640 South Kingshighway, 63110. Please park in the rear of the building and shuttle service will be available to and from the symposium.
Here is the event flyer ready to share!
Register for the St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium
Join us for the St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium on Saturday, June 1st from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Complete the form below to register for this exciting event on gardening with native plants, which includes special guest speakers, concurrent workshops, time to “Ask the Experts” and a native plant sale.
If you have questions or need help registering, please call the Brightside office at 314-772-4646.