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St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium Success!
St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium Success!
The rain held off and a large crowd gathered for a fun morning of learning about and discussing native plants in our community! We are thankful for everyone who attended and all of the knowledgeable experts who volunteered their time and expertise.
Our Partner Showcase Presentation included a wealth of information about native plant resources and organizations in the St. Louis region. We had so many requests for the showcase to be made available that we went ahead and put it on our website in easy to view and downloadable pdf format!
The technical workshops offered this year were a huge hit! Plant Health Care; The Dirt on Soils; Less Work, More Nature: Design and Create a Lower-Maintenance Native Garden; and Natives, Cultivars, & Varieties, Oh My! were all led by experts in the field and offered practical solutions to common native garden inquiries.
We look forward to working with Neighbors Naturescaping applicants in the coming months. If you are interested in applying for a Neighbors Naturescaping project, applications are available until June 20th. Please email jean@brightsidestl.org for a digital copy or visit our office for a paper application.
We hope to see even more smiling faces next time!