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Grow a little greener: Get your soil tested before planting!
Grow a Little Greener: Get Your Soil Tested Before Planting!
Quality soil is the key to a healthy lawn and garden and now we can help. The Horticulture Specialists at the MU Extension will examine your soil’s pH level and vital nutrients. In addition to scientific results, you will also receive problem-solving advice tailored to your soil’s specific needs.
Just gather two cups of soil samples from around your lawn or garden that have been mixed together and bring them (and $25!) to the University of Missouri Extension office at 123 E. Monroe Ave, 63122. Contact the MU Extension office directly for further instructions at 314-400-2115. For lawns, sample 3-4″ deep, and for other garden areas, your sample depth should be 6″ deep. Air-dried samples should be brought in a plastic bag.
**NOTE: Brightside is no longer a soil sample drop off site. Please visit or contact the MU Extension office for further instruction.**
To learn more download MU Extension’s soil test flyer.
Soil Sample Instruction Video – MU Extension in St. Louis from judith a culp on Vimeo.
How long does the testing take on the soil samples?
You can expect results from your soil testing within 10-14 days.
What about lead testing – most homes in the city are old enough that it’s recommended. Do you offer that, and if so what does it cost?
Lead testing is an option included with a heavy metals test. Please visit the UM Extension website for more information more details http://extension.missouri.edu/stlouis/gardening.aspx.
Can you test for chlorine? My neighbors have a pool, and the side of my small back yard that touches there, three trees are dying and our yard is always saturated like a marsh!
The regular soil test covers: pH, neutralizable acidity, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, organic matter, and cation exchange capacity. You need 1-1.5 cups of soil. This may help determine if the pool is the culprit! For more specific questions, please contact the MU Extension office at 314-400-2115.
Cash/credit/check for payment? And what type of container for the sample?
We accept all forms of payment except Discover card. We have specific soil sample boxes here for your soil.
Hello! Is this still happening, and is the procedure the same despite COVID-19?
Sorry for the delay! Please contact the MU Extension office for soil testing. 314-400-2115.
Are you still doing soil testing (with social distancing) during COVID?
Hi There! We are not accepting soil samples at this time. Please contact the MU Extension office for soil testing. 314-400-2115.
Have you started testing as of June 2021?
Hi There – we are no longer a soil sample testing drop off site. Please contact the MU Extension office directly for more info at 314-400-2115.