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Bring Conservation Home with Brightside St. Louis and the St. Louis Audubon Society
Bring Conservation Home with Brightside St. Louis and the St. Louis Audubon Society
We’re very excited to announce that we’re now a partner and supporter of the St. Louis Audubon’s Bring Conservation Home native landscaping program. Also known as naturescaping, its practices can help lower your water and other utility bills, improve water quality in the region, restore habitat for birds and butterflies, and provide the opportunity to experience nature with your family right outside your door.
According to their website, habitat loss is the number one cause for the population decline of native birds and other wildlife. In the area, urban sprawl is the greatest contributor to this habitat loss.
The program’s vision is for a metropolitan region covered by a mosaic of small, private habitats for birds, butterflies and other animals, helping reverse the population decline of many species and inspire families with nature encounters at home. While supporting positive action for the environment at home and work, those private nature sanctuaries are intended to inspire community-wide activism for some of the same conservation practices.
To learn more about the program, click here. And to learn more about our friends at the St. Louis Audubon Society, click here.
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