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We need a volunteer content writer – consider this us planting the seed!
We need a volunteer content writer – consider this us planting the seed!
Brightside St. Louis is looking to add to its volunteer marketing committee with a volunteer content writer / blogger. While we’d love to tell you we have a big budget to pay you, we in fact don’t have any budget at all!
Still reading?
Good – because it’s not all bad news! In fact, this position is a great way to get non-profit committee experience as well as a good way to continue to hone your craft of writing. Oh, and of course, there’s the whole giving back to St. Louis and making it a better place to live thing as well.
Ideal candidates? Blogging experience (WordPress is bonus), careful attention to detail and ability to meet once a month at 4 o’clock on a weekday.
Commitment level? 1 hour-long meeting and 2-3 hours worth of content writing per month.
Interested? Good. Click here and let’s chat.
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