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Blooming in 2015 – our very own Young Friends group!
Blooming in 2015 – our very own Young Friends group!
Brightside St. Louis is thrilled to announce that we’ve been selected as the 2014-2015 partner charity of Launch St. Louis! Throughout the next two years, Launch St. Louis will help us build and launch our very own Young Friends group.
“This is a significant milestone for Brightside,” said Mary Lou Green, our Executive Director. “We’ve always had tremendous ties to the young people of our community. Now, with the help of Launch, we’ll have a way to capture that energy and start grooming future leaders for not only Brightside, but for the city and region as a whole.”
Launch St. Louis develops the next generation of leadership for area non-profits. Previous partners of Launch St. Louis have included Friends of Kids with Cancer and the Friends of the Saint Louis University Liver Center. We’ll be their third partner charity.
Launch is doing great things to help our city build its next generation of leadership. In fact, they have a leadership summit coming up next month, and from what we understand, tickets are still available.
If you’re interested in getting involved with our new group, please contact us right away!
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