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Daffodil Planting Day sponsored by BMO Harris Bank
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Daffodil Planting Day sponsored by BMO Harris Bank
Please mark your calendar for Saturday, October 26. This will be Daffodil Planting Day sponsored by BMO Harris Bank.
In conjunction with Saint Louis University’s Make a Difference Day, SLU students, BMO Harris Bank employees and Brightside St. Louis volunteers will be planting 25,000 daffodils in the Gardens at Lake Louie.
If you’re interested in helping plant daffodils – which we truly hope you are – please contact Brightside St. Louis at 314-772-4646 or email brightsidestlouis@gmail.com.
Things to note…
- Volunteers may park in Wells Fargo Advisors Lot 22 at Market Street and Beaumont (just west of Jefferson). The City’s Recreation Division will be providing a shuttle to the planting site.
- Please bring work gloves and your favorite shovel, if you wish. If you don’t have either, still come – we’ve got some supplies ourselves!
- Shuttles start at 8:45 am and will bring volunteers to the planting site. At 10:30 am, we’ll be joined by 40 students from Saint Louis University who will be working as part of their campus’ Make a Difference Day!
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