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20 neighborhood gardens enhanced through Neighbors Naturescaping
20 neighborhood gardens enhanced through Neighbors Naturescaping
Thanks to the generosity of the Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. Louis, Forest ReLeaf of Missouri and Peabody Energy, 20 neighborhood gardens will be enhanced through our Neighbors Naturescaping program.
Parks, school grounds, neighborhood entrances, medians, street barricades, vacant lots and community gardens will be planted with 8,500 daffodils and tulips, 2,000 perennials and grasses, 100 shrubs and 23 trees. Projects selected include:
- Benton Park Neighborhood Assn in Benton Park
- Benton Park West Neighborhood Assn, new garden at 3101 Jefferson at Arsenal
- Block Unit #127, garden beds in Fountain Park
- Block Unit #430, Raymond barricades and entrance to Raymond on Kingshighway
- Clifton Heights Neighborhood Assn in Clifton Park
- Friends of Hamilton Village, Friends of Hamilton Village community garden
- Heger Ct. Community Assn, Heger Court entrance at Magnolia
- Heritage House Garden Club, gardens at Heritage House
- Hip Hop Saves Outreach, Kensington gardens
- Holly Hills Improvement Assn, gardens in Holly Hills
- Holy Cross Church, 3600 block of Jefferson
- Lafayette Square Beautification Committee, 2200 Rutger/Missouri alleyway
- Mallinckrodt Garden, Mallinckrodt Academy at Hampton and Pernod
- Nottingham CAJT Grounds & Maintenance, 4915 Donovan
- Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Assn, Thurman Gateway project
- Southampton Neighborhood Assn, Wherry Wedge at Itaska, January & Wherry
- Southwest Garden Neighborhood Assn, Tower Grove Park – Gus Vogt picnic area
- Tower Grove East Community Garden, garden at Sidney and Virginia
- Windsor Place/Community Justice Project, 3801-11 Windsor Place
- Women of College Hill, 1500-02 DeSoto
Some will be new gardens created to make the area greener and more inviting while others will be enhancing previously established green spaces. All will make the neighborhood more desirable and livable. Green space improves the appearance of a neighborhood, helps strengthen the fabric of the community and enhances the quality of life for area residents by helping develop a greater sense of cohesiveness among neighbors, increasing property values and improving air quality.
For more than 30 years at Brightside St. Louis, we’ve been committed to achieving these positive results in St. Louis, yet our efforts would not be possible without the generous support of our donors. For 15 years, the Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. Louis has been a major sponsor of our Neighbors Naturescaping program. This year, the Boeing employees contributed $13,000 to help establish or enhance community gardens in neighborhoods throughout St. Louis.
To help neighborhood leaders fully understand the undertaking, the Missouri Department of Conservation provides educational publications and MDC staff leads workshops on the proper ways to plant and care for the neighborhood gardens. The educational workshops are held in our Demonstration Garden at Kingshighway and Vandeventer. The garden features Missouri native trees and plants in addition to sustainable practices and low-impact development. All of the plants on the Neighbors Naturescaping recommended plant material list are growing in the Demonstration Garden so neighborhood volunteers can see the plants growing in their natural habitat.
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