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Planting Partnerships…Powered by Peabody Energy
Planting Partnerships…Powered by Peabody Energy
April showers have brought May flowers and now it’s time to plant! The threat of frost has passed and it’s finally time to beautify the public spaces of our city with Brightside St. Louis’ Blitz Blooms. Each year Brightside provides flower seedlings to neighborhood groups who register a Blitz project to clean and beautify their streets, alleys, vacant lots, neighborhood entrances, boulevards, parks, and other public spaces.
This year, we would like to give special recognition to Peabody Energy whose generous contribution allowed us to cultivate 250,000 annual flower seedlings that will be distributed to community groups throughout our city. Not only does planting flowers provide pleasant scenery, it creates a sense of community when neighbors come together to invest in and improve their neighborhood.
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