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Spring Cleaning and Greening at Lake Louie
Spring Cleaning and Greening at Lake Louie
The weather has finally warmed up and that means it’s time to get dirty in the garden so we can enjoy the fruits of our labor in the months to come. We love making St. Louis a cleaner and greener place for all to enjoy, but we couldn’t do it without the help of our amazing volunteers!
On Saturday, May 10th, we were fortunate to have an enthusiastic group of volunteers from the VP Community Service Initiative, who were kind enough to help us pull weeds and plant flowers at the Gardens at Lake Louie, a highly visible green space and fountain along I-64 at the Chestnut/20th Street exit. More than 100,000 commuters and visitors pass by Lake Louie everyday and can enjoy the beautiful garden thanks to the hard work of our volunteers.
Thank you to the VP Community Service Initiative volunteers for helping us make St. Louis a better place to live, work, and play.
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