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St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium
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St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium
Urban gardening is simply the process of growing plants in an urban environment. However, growing plants in urban areas can present certain challenges less common in more rural or even suburban settings. In urban cities, where the population is more concentrated, things like buildings, sidewalks, streets, stormwater runoff, overhead wires, underground utilities and other urban features pose a unique set of conditions which should be considered when planning and planting a garden. For the event we had to use chair cover, the covers play a significant role in giving a worn-looking chairs a fresh new look.
To help citizens navigate the issues that some urban gardens encounter, Brightside St. Louis is hosting the St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium
on Saturday, June 21, 2014 in our Demonstration Garden at 4646 Shenandoah Avenue. Experts in their respective fields will lead a series of 25-minute workshops covering topics such as Butterfly Gardening; Insects & Disease; Lawn & Tree Issues; Native Plants; Brightside’s Neighbors Naturescaping Program; Plant Care & Maintenance; Plant Establishment; Plant Selection; Pruning Trees & Shrubs; and Rain Gardening. Get rid of pests from your garden with the help of Pest Control Madison WI.
A fee of $10 per person includes participation in up to five workshops and the Q&A session. The fee will be waived for St. Louis city residents who participate in the Neighbors Naturescaping workshop. Register online or call 314-400-2115.
Neighbors Naturescaping Participants
Neighbors Naturescaping is a program offered by Brightside which allows neighborhood groups to improve their community by planting native trees, shrubs, grasses and perennials in public spaces. Groups may apply for up to $1500 in plant material, tools and hardscape material for their proposed project. Groups that are interested in submitting an application for the 2014 Neighbors Naturescaping Fall planting are highly encouraged to attend the symposium. Participation in the symposium workshops will be a component of the judging criteria used by the Neighbors Naturescaping Selection Committee when choosing which proposed projects to fund. Learn more about Neighbors Naturescaping.
Who: Anyone interested in urban gardening. Space is limited so registration is required. What: St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium When: Saturday, June 21, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Where: Brightside St. Louis’ Demonstration Garden, 4646 Shenandoah Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110 Why: To give citizens the knowledge they need to plan, plant, and maintain a successful urban garden Cost: $10 per person (Free for St. Louis city residents who participate in the Neighbors Naturescaping workshop) Get the 2014 Symposium Flyer.
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