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What is naturescaping?
What is Naturescaping?
Naturescaping is simply landscaping that works with the natural character of the site opposed to working against it. Both native and non-native species are utilized, and selecting the right plant for the right place is of the utmost importance.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind with your naturescaping efforts:
- Plant species should be tolerant to the urban development found in vacant lots and other public areas (poor soil, drought conditions, etc.)
- Plants should be low in maintenance.
- Plants should be available from sources located in the Midwest, preferably in Missouri.
- Plants should be aesthetically pleasing.
- Plants should be attractive to song birds, butterflies and other desirable wildlife.
- Plants should bloom in a chronological sense to provide beauty and wildlife benefits throughout the year.
- Plants should be relatively safe to grow in neighborhoods.
- Plants should be non-agressive meaning that you want to avoid selecting highly aggressive or weedy species that tend to rapidly spread or produce large quantities of seed that might dominate an area.
- Make the effort to stay consistent with existing hardscape that is common in the neighborhood.
- On flat ground, use new or used bricks, flat or cut limestone, or ornamental rocks of various textures.
- On sloped ground, use a keystone retaining wall system or similar substitute.
The above from sourced from a piece by Dave Tylka. He was the father of naturescaping in Missouri.
Thanks for reading and happy planting!
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