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Take a Virtual Tour of our Garden
Take a Virtual Tour of Our Garden
Lace up your virtual walking shoes and take a stroll through our newly-upgraded Demonstration Garden webpages. Thanks to the creative team at Wired Impact, you can now visit online and learn about all of our Demo Garden’s environmentally-sustainable gardening and urban-conservation practices from the comfort of your own home. Although, we think you’ll also want to see it in-person if you haven’t already.
Whether you’ve visited our garden before or are planning to visit us soon, the new webpages are useful tools that can help you learn about all of the features which demonstrate things you can do at home to grow healthy plants and trees, reduce storm water runoff, protect water quality and attract a diversity of urban wildlife.
See how we catch rain, learn about our four types of permeable pavements and find out what plants are best for a rain garden. Discover how structural soil prevents tree roots from buckling concrete and get a below-ground look at our Silva Cells, a suspended pavement that allows trees to grow larger and live longer. Explore which native plants will grow best in your yard and learn how to choose the right plant for the right place in your garden.
There’s something for everyone so enjoy your visit! Special thanks to Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 through the Missouri Department of Natural Resources for providing funding for this educational tool under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act.
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