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Taproot Speaker Series
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Taproot Speaker Series
Join Forest ReLeaf of Missouri at the next Taproot Speaker Series at the Schlafly Bottleworks Crown Room on August 12th from 7:00-9:00pm. Learn about trees, your landscapes and get advice from local tree experts. The cost is $10 and 2.0 ISA CEUs are available.
“Are you interested in learning more about the native oak trees that live among us here in Missouri and often from around the world? Join Mike Walsh, Forestry Programs Manager at Forest ReLeaf of Missouri and explore the many varieties of native oaks and other interesting oak trees and facts including oak history, differences in red and white oaks, commercial, ecological, urban and wildlife benefits, and much more! You will also learn how Forest ReLeaf grows all kinds of oaks and how you can, too!”
Looking for information on your upcoming events. It’s hard to find on the internet.
Thanks for the input Karen. A quick way to find all of our upcoming events and activities is by clicking on the “Get Involved” button at the top of any page, then choose “Upcoming Events.” Hope this helps.