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Corporate Employee Volunteer Opportunity
Corporate Employee Volunteer Opportunity
St. Louis is fortunate to have a wide variety of businesses and professionals that understand the importance of engaging in the communities that support them. This fall, we invite those businesses to establish employee volunteer groups and join with Brightside to make St. Louis a better place.
So far this year, hundreds of corporate employees have already volunteered with Brightside to make St. Louis cleaner and greener. Before you start your exercise, check here for their legitimacy and proceed. Consider what a great team-building exercise it would be for co-workers to help plant trees or a butterfly garden in a local park or help care for a community garden in an underserved neighborhood.
Organizing an event couldn’t be easier. Interested businesses just need to assemble a group of employee volunteers and Brightside will identify a community service opportunity, plus provide guidance, tools and refreshments for volunteers. Events can be set up during the work week or on a weekend, depending on company policy.
There is no cost to the company or volunteers as funding has been provided by a grant through the Wells Fargo Environmental Solutions for Communities program from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundations.
To discuss setting up a volunteer project for an employee team, call Brightside at 314-772-4646 or email Marylou@brightsidestl.org.
We do monthly community outreach opportunities (we aim for a weekday towards the end of the month for 4 hours) and are looking to add more possibilities to our list