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Trade Trash For Prizes!
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Trade Trash For Prizes!
On Saturday, March 21st volunteers are needed for the 7th annual Confluence Trash Bash, a region-wide clean-up effort to remove trash and litter threatening area streams and rivers. This year, for the first time, Brightside and the City of St. Louis will take part in the clean-up and we are excited to show the region what we can accomplish. From small pieces of litter that get carried down sewer drains into our waterways, to large appliances that are purposely dumped in our rivers, this clean-up makes a huge impact on our community.
Lunch will be provided and prizes will be awarded to volunteers who find the biggest, weirdest and most expensive trash. Gather your friends and register today!
WHEN: March 21st, sign in begins at 8:00am
WHERE: Various locations, see website for details.
FEE: Free
REGISTER: Sign up here
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