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Shaw Wildflower Market
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Shaw Wildflower Market
Shaw Nature Reserve and several nurseries from throughout the area will offer hundreds of varieties of Missouri native annual and perennial wildflowers, ferns, trees and shrubs to use in home landscaping and to attract wildlife.
Plants will be for sale from Shaw Nature Reserve, Wild Ones, Missouri Wildflowers Nursery, Forest Keeling Nursery, Pan’s Garden, Andy’s Native Plants, Ozark Berry Farm, St. Francis Mountain Natives, and DJM Ecological Services. All vendors accept cash or checks. Missouri Wildflower Nursery accepts credit cards, cash, or checks. Please pay each vendor separately.
When: Saturday, May 9 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: Shaw Nature Reserve
Fee: $5 admission ($3 for seniors and students 13+)
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