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BiodiverseCity St. Louis Speaker Series – Wild Ideas Worth Sharing: Global Voices
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BiodiverseCity St. Louis Speaker Series – Wild Ideas Worth Sharing: Global Voices
Wild Ideas Worth Sharing returns with global perspectives on ways that cities, communities, and entire cultures can enable a greater diversity of life to survive and thrive.
Saving Plants—Saving Ourselves
Dr. Peter Raven—President Emeritus, Missouri Botanical Garden
Our attainment of a sustainable future depends on human engagement with population levels, consumption levels, technology and Earth’s diversity of living communities. Plant-based conservation and restoration efforts are essential anchors of these efforts.
Monarch Butterfly Conservation: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally
Dr. Rebeca Quiñonez-Piñón—Forests for Monarchs
Catherine Werner—City of St. Louis Office of Sustainability
Partnerships like these between the La Cruz Habitat Protection Project and Milkweeds for Monarchs: the City of St. Louis Butterfly Project are leveraging public, private and governmental support for the iconic and severely threatened Monarch population. Recovery for this butterfly’s unique migratory pattern depends on (1) restoring milkweeds and nectar plants from Canada to Mexico, and (2) protecting overwintering habitat in central Mexico. These two programs present prime examples of urgent international efforts to both expand and conserve monarch habitat. A delicate species offers a powerful point of public engagement with biodiversity issues!
Educating for Sustainability and the Missing ‘Man’
Dr. Akpezi Ogbuigwe—Anpez Center for Environment and Development, Nigeria
Nations are educating for sustainable development, global citizenship education, climate change, etc. What are we in search of? Could it be a people that will live with a sense of responsibility for their decisions, with respect for the rights of the next person and future generations? Can we indeed educate for a generation that will move in this direction? Are we that generation?
- When: Tuesday, April 28th from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
- Where: Missouri Botanical Garden Ridgway Visitor Center, 4344 Shaw Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110
- Fee: FREE and OPEN to ALL
- Details: Registration required. Register by April 24: REGISTER HERE
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