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Meet the Recycling Staff!
Met the Recycling Staff!
Brightside welcomes the new Recycling Outreach and Education Team for the City of St. Louis, Elysia Musumeci, Mike Brockman and Jessica Freiberger. Headquartered at Brightside, the new team is eager to help increase recycling in St. Louis.
If you have any ideas or thoughts for the team about how to increase recycling awareness or opportunities for outreach and education please don’t hesitate to share! We also want to hear your ideas about how to encourage your neighbors to recycle more. Email elysia@brightsidestl.org or call 314-772-4646.
As always, please send requests and complaints regarding recycling collection or operational issues directly to the Citizens’ Service Bureau at 314-622-4800 or www.stlouis-mo.gov/csb/.
As this is a passion of mine, would welcome any info on how I can help educate my neighbors
The Recycling Team has been working very hard to develop an outreach and education plan to increase recycling awareness in St. Louis. They will be in touch with you soon to share ways in which you can help!