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Flowers for Downtown 2023
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Flowers for Downtown 2023
Show your St. Louis pride and be part of this year’s efforts to make downtown St. Louis a more beautiful, vibrant and inviting destination! Gather your friends, family, co-workers or community group and join us on Saturday, May 20th to help plant flowers along Market Street and Tucker Boulevard in conjunction with the City Parks Department.
- WHO: People who love flowers and St. Louis
- WHAT: Planting flowers and having fun!
- WHEN: Saturday, May 20th from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- WHERE: Volunteer Check-in is at 13th & Market Streets, near the Laclede Statue on the north side of City Hall
- REGISTRATION: Through STL Volunteer or email elysia@brightsidestl.org
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