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Volunteer Opportunities For Individuals
Volunteer Opportunities For Individuals
Here at Brightside, we work with a lot of large volunteer groups including businesses, schools and a variety of community organizations. But, we also have volunteer opportunities for individuals looking to get involved on their own.
In addition to our annual Flowers For Downtown event, individual volunteers are welcome to join us in our Demonstration Garden for weekly and monthly independent gardening activities. It’s a great way to stay active, while expanding your gardening knowledge working side-by-side with our St. Louis Master Gardener and Missouri Master Naturalist volunteers.
Plus, your work will be seen by thousands of people on a daily basis. Our highly-visible Demonstration Garden is full of Missouri native plants and features a variety of low-impact developments and urban forestry best management practices and is used as a teaching tool year-round.
So, if you’re looking for a fun, high-impact and flexible volunteer opportunity for yourself or you and a buddy, join us in the garden. Find a day (or days) that works for you and register today!
If you have a large group looking for a volunteer project, please fill out our volunteer form and we’ll contact you to arrange a project.
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