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Show Off Your Sustainable Yard
Show Off Your Sustainable Yard
The 2016 Sustainable Backyard Tour is seeking hosts for its 6th annual area-wide event.
Held each year in June, this is a unique opportunity to see firsthand how homeowners in St. Louis City and County are transforming their yards in a range of environmentally sensitive ways.
More than 150 families have welcomed tour goers into their yards over the past five years, demonstrating such practices as composting, organic gardening, chicken and beekeeping, native plant landscaping, rainwater conservation, renewable energy production and backyard habitat creation. Attendees design their own routes, choosing from locations and descriptions written by the homeowners.
“Practices like permaculture, naturescaping and edible landscaping are spreading into every neighborhood and municipality — we want to find the trailblazers so we can shine a light on their efforts and learn from experiences,” says Tour Founder Terry Winkelmann.
While many host sites are traditional backyards of single family residences, apartment buildings, rooftops, front yards and school gardens are particularly encouraged. The deadline to register as a host is April 29th.
Visit www.sustainablebackyardtour.com for details and a link to the online registry.
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