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New City School Recycling Video Premiere
New City School Recycling Video Premiere
This week, Brightside had the pleasure of visiting New City School to attend the premiere of a recycling video created by the school’s third grade students, teachers and staff. The video was produced as part of the student’s annual service learning project, in which they collaborated with Brightside to create a 5-minute public service announcement to encourage recycling and to educate the St. Louis community on the proper way to dispose of recycled materials. The whole school gathered in the auditorium to attend the video premiere, along with a very special guest, Mayor Francis G Slay! It was a lot of fun.
When we started this project a few months ago, we knew that the students and teachers from New City School would make a great video that we could share to help increase recycling. We asked them for something fun and informative that teaches people how easy it is to recycle in the city of St. Louis. They did an amazing job! Just see for yourself.
We want to give a special thank you to the third grade students and their teachers, Chanaya Jacobs, Lisa Blue and Missy Doll, as well as to Scott Boyles for his filming and editing expertise, Diane Davenport for sharing her writing talent and Ben Griffiths for his performing arts guidance.
The energy and enthusiasm that comes across in this video is contagious and will certainly help encourage other people in St. Louis to recycle. So please do what this awesome video tells us to do…tell your momma and your daddy and your sister, too! Recycling is the thing to do!
Great job! Loved the kids singing and explaining how easy it is to recycle.