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Nestle Purina Petcare Pride Day Makes A Big Impact
Nestle Purina Petcare Pride Day Makes A Big Impact
This week over 100 Nestle Purina employees volunteered with Brightside in the Soulard and Dutchtown neighborhoods. Volunteers cleaned up gardens, mulched and planted flowers in and around Soulard Market Park, Pontiac Square Park and Aboussie Park in Soulard and helped on the Sunflower Project in Dutchtown as part of their 15th annual PetCare Pride Day.
This year’s theme was “Paw It Forward,” and they did so generously! Joseph R. Siveright, President & CEO of Nestle Purina PetCare Company, surprised Brightside with a generous donation in the amount of $5,000. We are truly grateful for their volunteerism and their generosity. Thanks to Purina and the nearly 2,000 employees who volunteered their time with not-for-profits across the metropolitan area, St. Louis will be a much more beautiful place for neighborhood residents and visitors to enjoy all summer long.
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