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Volunteers Needed For Recycling Project
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Volunteers Needed For Recycling Project
Brightside’s recycling team needs your help. We have received funding from the St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste Management District to implement a pilot project in two city neighborhoods. We will be giving in-home bins to residents in the selected neighborhoods to help increase recycling participation. Before we can give away bins, we must place logo stickers on the bins. On Thursday, July 21 we will spend the day stickering as many bins as we can and welcome you to help us.
- What: Recycling Bin Sticker Party
- When: Thursday, July 21, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Any amount of time you can spare between these hours is appreciated)
- Where: City of St. Louis Street Department, 1900 Hampton Avenue, 63139
If you plan to attend this volunteer event, please contact us at recycle@stlouis-mo.gov or call 314-772-4646.
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