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It’s Blitz Planning Time!
It’s Blitz Planning Time!
Whether spring is here to stay or looming around the corner, the warm days upon us are perfect for a Blitz clean-up! Gather your neighbors, students, friends or community organization to clean up and beautify a space in your neighborhood.
- Pick up litter from streets and alleys
- Plant and maintain flowers in public spaces
- Plan a neighborhood-wide spring cleaning event
The possibilities are endless! Select your own Blitz clean-up date, location and then register your project with Brightside! Fill out your Blitz registration form online or by calling us at 314-772-4646 at least one week in advance of your clean-up to reserve trash bags and tools (rakes, brooms and shovels). We have the tools to help keep your neighborhood looking good!
To maximize your team’s clean-up efforts, schedule your Blitz project the weekend before your neighborhood’s bulk pick-up, annual house tour or other community events.
When we work together to beautify and keep our neighborhoods clean, we get to enjoy them more–it feels great! Get your Blitz project going today!
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