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Litter Grabbers for Blitz Clean-ups!
Litter Grabbers for Blitz Clean-ups!
We now have litter grabbers available to lend you for your next Blitz clean-up! These are the much needed tool to efficiently remove unsightly litter that might be strewn about your neighborhood. These grabbers are 3ft in length making picking up litter quick and effortless! They are perfect to keep bottles, cans and other good recyclable material separate from trash as you pick up litter.
Request to borrow litter grabbers for your next major neighborhood Blitz clean-up or just for a quick litter pick-up project. Don’t forget a Brightside recycling cart and trash bags to complete your order! With spring blooming around us, you’ll want your block looking the best it can be as you continue to beautify St. Louis! Register your Blitz project by May 1st to be eligble for FREE flower seedlings for planting in public spaces.
Thank you to St. Louis Earth Day 2017 Action Grant for helping us provide litter grabbers for Blitz clean-up projects. Their gift further enhances our neighborhoods and your Blitz clean-up power.
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