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Brightside St. Louis Summer Youth Employment 2017
Brightside St. Louis Summer Youth Employment 2017
Brightside St. Louis, the City of St. Louis’ cleaning, greening, and beautification organization, is conducting an eight week summer youth employment program, in which high school juniors and seniors will assist with sustainability and conservation activities in the City of St. Louis. This program will be in partnership with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) Two Rivers Wildlife Refuge Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) and the St. Louis Green Teen Alliance.
Regular tasks will include outdoor cleanup and beautification activities throughout the City of St. Louis. FWS YCC t-shirts and personal protective equipment (PPE) will be provided by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Participants in the program will also have the opportunity to network with other teens & employers in the St. Louis Green Teen Alliance and will be able to learn about employment opportunities in the green jobs field by participating in regular site visits.
Workers will also spend portion of their time at Two Rivers National Wildlife Refuge in Brussels, Illinois. Tasks at Two Rivers will include:
- Cleaning, painting, and general maintenance to Refuge buildings, equipment, and infrastructure
- Removal of invasive plants
- Assistance with educational programs
- Monitoring water levels in impoundments
- Monitoring a variety of flora and fauna
Youth workers will be responsible for arriving on time for work at the designated meeting location (location may change due to tasks scheduled for the day). Transportation (car, van, and/or truck) will be provided between sites that are not within walking distance.
Apply at https://goo.gl/forms/NX1Jq1UzVA0tu6af2.
Application Deadline: April 15, 2017
For questions, please contact Elizabeth Ward at warde@stlouis-mo.gov or (314) 772-4646.
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