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Neighbors Naturescaping Technical Assistance Workshop
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Neighbors Naturescaping Technical Assistance Workshop
If you need guidance with your Neighbors Naturescaping garden, selecting the right plant for the right place or have other questions, come to the Neighbors Naturescaping Technical Assistance Workshop!
When: Thursday, July 11th from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Where: The Brightside Office (4646 Shenandoah Ave 63110)
RSVP: Online or by emailing elysia@brightsidestl.org
This workshop is the perfect time to get your questions answered and discuss any hurdles you might be facing. Plus, you can take this opportunity to stroll through the Brightside Demonstration Garden for ideas!
It’s not too late to apply for a Neighbors Naturescaping grant either. Stop by the Brightside Office to pick up an application today.
We’ll see you then!
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