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August Blitz Projects–Volunteers Needed
This event has passed. Be sure to check out our upcoming events.
August Blitz Projects–Volunteers Needed
What’s Brightside up to this month? Check out this list of events and projects we’re looking forward to for August.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Time: 11:30 am-1:30 pm
Location: Thomas Dunn Learning Center
Project Type: Clean-up project
Description: We are doing a clean-up before the start of school to make our streets cleaner and safer for students on their way to and from school. This cleanup will give out book bags with supplies (while supplies last), food, drinks, and games for the kids.
Email to Volunteer: sunnihuttondscc@gmail.com
Monday, August 21, 2017
Time: 12-5
Location: Lindell Park (JVL)
Project Type: Clean-up project
Description: Mission: St. Louis, in conjunction with the Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement of Washington University in St. Louis, is hosting a neighborhood cleanup in the Lindell Park area of JeffVanderLou on August 21. Come meet us at 1:30 at Mission: St. Louis on 3108 N. Grand, lend a hand and meet some new people. Cleanup supplies will be provided along with water.
Email to Volunteer: Beau.bramer@missionstl.org
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