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Blooming Soon! Bulb Sale Reminders
Blooming Soon! Bulb Sale Reminders
ONE MORE CHANCE FOR BULBS! We have a few lots Brightside Red tulips, Purple and Pink tulip mix and Carlton daffodils for $16.00 a lot. The Midwest Mix is sold out! Stop by the Brightside Office today (4646 Shenandoah) while supplies last!
Thank you to everyone who ordered Brightside bulbs for planting this fall! If you missed picking up your bulbs at he Greenhouse over the weekend, come by the Brightside Office this week to pick up your order. All unclaimed orders will be considered a donation for planting on public property.
Thank you for your continuous support in cleaning and greening St. Louis!
I am wondering what kinds of bulbs and fall-planting for spring bloom seeds might be for sale. Thanks!
Hi Melody! We have a few lots of tulips and daffodils left at the Brightside Office for sale! Red tulips, purple and pink tulips and yellow Carlton daffodils! Stop by this week!