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November Blitz Events-Volunteers Needed
This event has passed. Be sure to check out our upcoming events.
November Blitz Events-Volunteers Needed
What’s Brightside up to this month? Check out this list of events and projects we’re looking forward to for November.
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Time: 9-5
Location: Lindell Park of JVL
Project Type: Clean-up project
Description: Mission: St. Louis, in conjunction with Missouri University Science & Technology, St. Louis Christian College, and the Lindell Park Grassroots Neighborhood Association, is banding together on the 4th of November to clear out the annual fall debris and unfortunate refuse that accumulates in our lawns, sidewalks, and streets. Come out, lend a hand, learn about Mission: St. Louis, and meet our neighbors.
Email to Volunteer: beau.bramer@missionstl.org
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Time: 10am
Location: MLK and Marcus
Project Type: Clean-up project
Description: Join Church of God volunteers to cleanup along MLK at Marcus.
Email to Volunteer: moores@stlouis-mo.gov
Monday, November 20, 2017
Time: 8-3pm
Location: Goodfellow and Natural Bridge to Goodfellow and MLK
Project Type: Clean-up project
Description: We need to clean up the west side of St. Louis! Join us as we make it beautiful again! We need your hands!
Call to Volunteer: (314) 625-4508
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