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Volunteer Opportunities
This event has passed. Be sure to check out our upcoming events.
Cleaner Neighborhoods Are Safer Neighborhoods!
Be a part of the team that helps clean up Hall Street this Saturday, November 4th. You will be helping improve the appearance of a major thoroughfare which can help reduce crime in that area. You will also be helping keep litter out of the Mississippi as litter along Hall Street often blows into the river.
The City of St. Louis will provide an arrow truck to direct traffic away from volunteers but we are asking for adult volunteers only.
Volunteers are asked to park in the side lot at the Pick-N-Pull, 7557 Hall Street, 63147. After a brief orientation we will get to work at 8:00 a.m. Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear heavy-duty shoes.
Food and drinks will be provided to all volunteers after the clean-up at about noon.
Hope to see you there!
For more info contact Brian Waldrop at (314) 606-0755 or brian.waldrop@mdc.mo.gov
Tree Planting Time
The North Newstead Association needs your help planting 200 trees they received from Forest ReLeaf.
When: Saturday, November 18 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Where: Old North and St. Louis Place neighborhoods
Helping hands are needed! For more details and to sign up to volunteer, please contact Sal Martinez at smartinez@sfm-stl.com
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