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2017 Was A Great Year!
2017 Was A Great Year!
….Now let’s make 2018 even better!
Because of the generous support of friends and volunteers like you in 2017, together we:
- Removed 360,000+ square feet of graffiti from over 5,000 homes, businesses, schools and churches
- Enhanced green spaces with 200,000 annuals and 30,000 native perennials, grasses, shrubs and trees along with daffodils and tulips
- Invested over 23,000 volunteer hours in cleaning and greening activities that make St. Louis neighborhoods better places to live and downtown more inviting
- Restored habitat for butterflies, bees and other pollinators at 29 neighborhood gardens and prepared 30 acres for pollinator habitat along the St. Louis Riverfront
- Increased recycling by engaging 1,600 school children and providing 6,100 in-home recycling bins
- Taught garden visitors about native plants, conservation practices and managing storm water
- Incorporated energy-saving practices at our office and garden including solar panels, a white roof and LED lighting
We are looking forward to accomplishing even more in 2018 with your continued support for our cleaning and greening programs!
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