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Sustainable Backyard Tour
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Sustainable Backyard Tour
The 9th Annual St. Louis Sustainable Backyard Tour is Sunday, June 23rd from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. FREE to all!
Take a self-guided tour of private backyards and gardens throughout the St. Louis region. Talk to gardeners about their organic methods and see chickens, beehives, rain gardens, pollinator gardens and much more!
The Sustainable Backyard Tour is a grassroots community production showcasing eco-friendly yards and gardens throughout the St. Louis region, both city and county. Some hosts have been growing food, improving soils and building habitat for years; others are just beginning. Wherever you are on that spectrum, you’re in good company. We all need to do whatever we can to lighten our impact on this fragile planet, to ensure that water, air and soil can continue to provide for us in generations to come.
The place to start is wherever you are.
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