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September Blitz Projects-Volunteers Needed!
This event has passed. Be sure to check out our upcoming events.
September Blitz Projects-Volunteers Needed!
What’s Brightside up to this month? Check out this list of events and projects we’re looking forward to for September. Opportunities are updated as we receive them, so check back often for updates!
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Time: 10:00 till noon
Location: Trinity Lutheran Church Soulard
Project Type: Clean-up project
Description: Trinity Lutheran Church in Soulard is planning 2 events for Sept. 7th:
Join us at 812 Soulard St. at 10:00 am on Saturday for either project.
1) Pick up trash around area. Tools provided.
2) Make yarn balls out of plastic grocery bags for our crocheters to make sleeping mats for the homeless.
Email to Volunteer: reverepeace@gmail.com
Friday, September 13, 2019
Time: 9am-12pm
Location: Murphy Park
Project Type: Clean-up project
Description: Come out and assist with the cleaning up of Murphy Park as we get ready for Urban Strategies' Murphy Park Mural Unveiling on the following Saturday!
Email to Volunteer: constance@northnewstead.org
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Time: 8:30am-12pm
Location: CWE North
Project Type: Clean-up project
Description: We need helping hands to help us give back to our community. If won't keep it clean, who will? Just wear comfortable clothing, comfortable shoes, your positive energy, and be ready to clean up our neighborhood!
Email to Volunteer: emoss.carrington@gmail.com
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