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2018 Neighbors Naturescaping Success!
2018 Neighbors Naturescaping Success!
Coming to a neighborhood garden near you! With 21 Neighbors Naturescaping projects this year (15 of them in new locations or from new groups), that’s a lot of plants that made their way to their new homes in October! In fact:
- 2,177 perennials
- 1,500 daffodils and tulips
- 424 grasses
- 105 shrubs
- 12 trees
That’s over $20,000 directly invested in St. Louis city neighborhoods! We’re looking forward to seeing these Neighbors Naturescaping gardens as they grow. Check out what these groups have accomplished so far in the Brightside Neighbors Naturescaping Facebook Album!
Learn more about Brightside’s Neighbors Naturescaping program here.
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