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How Did We Make St. Louis Thrive and Grow in 2018?
How Did We Make St. Louis Thrive and Grow in 2018?
From Blitz neighborhood clean-ups and graffiti removal to planting native plants and flowers and providing recycling bins, Brightside thanks you for your support! Together, in 2018 alone, we have:
- Enhanced green spaces with 130,000 annuals and 40,000 native perennials, grasses, shrubs and trees along with daffodils and tulips
- Worked to restore habitat on 30 acres along the Mississippi in the St. Louis Riverfront Butterfly Byway to benefit butterflies, birds, bees and other important pollinators
- Removed 256,000 square feet of graffiti from 3,600 vandalized homes, businesses, schools and churches to protect property values and preserve neighborhoods
- Increased recycling by educating 500 school children and providing 1,200 in-home recycling bins
- Spearheaded first region-wide initiative to encourage people to Recycle Responsibly
- Taught hundreds of Demonstration garden visitors and volunteers about benefits of native plant conservation, managing storm water and energy-saving practices that can be incorporated at home and in community projects
- Invested over 20,000 volunteer hours in cleaning and greening activities that make St. Louis neighborhoods better and downtown more inviting
Wow! None of this would be possible without generous friends and tireless volunteers like you! Consider making a tax-deductible donation to Brightside before the end of the year, to continue investing in educating, inspiring and engaging St. Louisans to improve the quality of life in our community.
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