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Volunteers Needed! Sow Blitz Blooms!
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Volunteers Needed! Sow Blitz Blooms!
Every year, well over a hundred thousand flower seedlings are planted around the city in public spaces. This is thanks to neighborhood groups doing Blitz Clean-up projects and then organizing planting days to help beautify thier neighobhoods. To have these seedlings ready, Brightside needs your help!
What: Sow Blitz Blooms seedlings
Where: The Greenhouse in Forest Park
When: March 21 from 9:00am – Noon
We will fill 200-count seedling trays with soil and then drop a seed in each pod. It’s so easy and relaxing. Join us and then you can say, “Hey! I grew those flowers!” when you see them in a neighborhood near you later this spring.
To volunteer, sign up on STLVolunteer or email elysia@brightsidestl.org.
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