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Blooming Soon! Bulb Sale is Here!
Blooming Soon! Bulb Sale is Here!
**We have a few bulbs left! Call us at 314-772-4646 to order them while supplies last!**
This year’s Blooming Soon! selection includes the classic Carlton daffodil. Available in bags of 30-count bulbs for only $17, Carltons have a large, yellow cup and give off a light vanilla fragrance. Carltons adapt extremely well to our unpredictable spring weather and are less susceptible to heat stress. And wow, do they make a statement year after year!
Not ready to commit to just one type of daffodil? Brightside also offers our exclusive “Midwest Mix” of six varieties of fine daffodils (Carlton, Barrett Browning, Pink Charm, Slim Whitman, Tahiti and Suada) chosen by the Greater St. Louis Daffodil Society for outstanding performance in our region. You will get five of each variety for just $17.
If you prefer a lovely shade of red or pink, choose Brightside’s exclusive “Brightside Red” and Pink Impression Hybrid Darwin tulips. These large, vibrant flowers bloom in April just after the daffodils and are available in bags of 30-count bulbs for only $17.
Brightside bulbs are just what you need to add vibrant color to your spring garden. Brightside flowers also make great gifts for family and friends! Choose to have your bulbs shipped, or pick them up for free at the Greenhouse in Forest Park.
Brightside’s high quality bulbs, direct from Holland, are available to you at less than wholesale prices.
Call the Brightside office (314-772-4646) today to place an order over the phone (limited supply left 9/27).
Thank you for supporting Brightside by adding our beautiful bulbs to your landscape! Proceeds from the Blooming Soon! Bulb Sale support Brightside’s beautification and clean-up programs.
Bulbs will be available for pickup at the Greenhouse in Forest Park Friday, September 30th from 11am-4pm and Saturday, October 1st from 9am-Noon. Or, you can pay to have your bulbs shipped to you.
Hi. I was out of town on Saturday and missed the sale. Do you still have bulbs?
Hi there! Sorry for the late reply. If you are still in need of bulbs, we have Brightside Red and Pink Impression tulips available at our office.